
Join the team

Join the team

How it all started

A Word From Our Employees

"What surprised me the most was the welcome from our colleagues, their kindness, their big hearts, their pride in sharing their culture and their culinary art with me; these were absolutely unforgettable moments." (when on business trip to Bangalore office)

Caroline Helie


Best Octasic memory: “When our Company’s Executive Chairman & VP Finance & Administration praised me for my writing skills & COO rewarded me for being a kind and empathetic person.

Ripdaman Chhabra


My best memories so far have always been in regards to team challenges.

Stéphane Cormier


Values we live by


Be committed to professional ethics, such as ensuring the quality of one's work and seeking feedback on one's results in order to improve.


Innovation at work is a process through which the individual, alone or in a team, manages to generate, disseminate and realize new ideas. To do this, he or she questions his or her practices and presents new ideas.


Consists in taking one's place and exercising a freedom of action with the objective of more independence. For example: taking the lead, investing and committing oneself to one's work and projects.


Working or thinking together to achieve a goal. A good collaborator fosters interaction and puts the results of the team and the organization first. Acts with civility. Treats and communicates with colleagues in a respectful manner.


Adapt to client needs and changing circumstances, stay in solution mode and be a continuous learner.

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